Influential e-learning and learning people on Twitter

Before I started working as a global intranet editor, I worked as an instructional designer and script writer for web based training for five years. Since then, I have gathered the names of people who are influential within the areas of e-learning and learning. If you are getting started in this professional area, the below list of names can be useful. It is by no means complete – there are so many skilled people working in this area. You will, however, get a good start by following these, and then Twitter will give you further advice on whom to follow.

All these names, and more, are also featured in my own list:

You should also look at people’s lists, where they have listed people within a certain subject. Here are two, for example:

Author: Patrik Bergman

Privately: Father, husband, vegetarian, and reader of Dostoyevsky. Professionally: Works as Communications Manager at

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