Working as the editor of an intranet can be rewarding, and it can be hard. Many times, I have wished that I had a mentor who could engage in conversations regularly, and guide me when building an excellent intranet in SharePoint 2012 from the ground up. Until I have this mentor by my side, I can share some of the people who act as my mentors already, but without knowing me:
– James Robertson and his team at Column Two including Rebecca Rodgers. Twitter: @s2d_jamesr and @rebeccarodgers. Provides invaluable guidelines on how to take care of an intranet.
– Gerry McGovern at Customer CareWords. Twitter: @gerrymcgovern . The Task-Based Intranet guru.
– Scott Belsky at Behance and the 99 percent. Twitter: @scottbelsky. For providing new and inspiring ideas on how to make ideas a reality.
– The Internet Time Alliance. Twitter: @jaycross, @C4LPT, @Quinnovator, @hjarche and @charlesjennings. Five very smart people guide us into the new work life.
– Kurt Kragh Sørensen and his colleagues at IntraTeam Twitter: @IntraTeam. For their guidance on handling intranets.
– Michael Hyatt at MichaelHyatt. Twitter: @MichaelHyatt. For his guidance on how to become a better person in business and privately.
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